LOCKDOWN – This Is The Way (sorta)… KILONOVA Live @ Vibes Festival Sept 12, 2020
The Vibes were high… the tensions a bit too… having a time… during a Pandemic.. masks and air hugs and sanitizer by the gallons… it was resplendent after being locked down so long…. This is the way!
Thanks to Patty (JoyOne Soundsystem) for playing the live tuning forks <3
Thank you VIBES festival! <3
It’s a live mix complete with mistakes… It has mixed reviews as it’s not my usual… You might love it and you might hate it… I like those odds!
I played my own track “Do the Right Thing” and ended my set with my newly released “Everything is Purple”. <3
Dedicated to these times in need of vibes and art and our resilience as human beings. xoxo