Everything Is Purple (528 hz Rainbow Mix) – New Single 2022
Everything is Purple! I LOVE everything about Purple! If ever I feel afraid, I wrap myself in the warmth and safety of it…. It’s the feeling of being held inside of an omnipresent Rainbow, enfolded by all the hues of Purple in supernumerary bows of protective light… Violet fire! Happy… safe… fulfilled… and being here *now*.
Alternately tuned A=444hz (528hz tuning)
Everything is Purple…
Violet Fire, Magnificent, Fantasy, Safety
Rustic, Idyllic, Poetic, Lyrical, Royal. Divine, Rambunctious, Inspiring.. Heroic, Humble, Majestic and Serene.. Reflection, Connection,Tenderness and Gratitude.. Sensuality, Universes and Galaxies… Friendship and Faith. It is an Ultraviolet ray of fire that enfolds and protects … burning with peace and love .. Purple is Everything.. a majestic mirror reflecting creation’s divinity in all it’s innumerable flaming facets…
© Shylo Love