The Solar Boler – Airbrushed Mural
Early this spring I airbrushed a fully UV black-light glow-in-the-dark mural on my 1975 Boler! I named her the “Solar Boler” as 1- Soon I’ll be installing 340 watt solar system and 2- I painted a solar eclipse on the back.. plus it rolls nicely off the tongue! 😛 This is the first time I’ve done such a large airbrushing job just for myself… and thankfully it turned out ok, despite all the issues that came up – yay!
The Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis… it glows and is uv responsive.. I wanted it to look as real as I could paint it!

Northern lights, Aurora Borealis over the trees and water
Outdoor light really makes it pop! UV light makes it almost look like it’s moving..

Aurora borealis reflected on the water, octopus to the right, galaxy to the left!
All the colours and whites are UV black-light responsive and most of the white areas are glow in the dark!, including: some of the stars, the planets, the white light going through the black hole and the white around it, the galaxy, the solar eclipse, the mountains, the blue whale, jellyfish, octopus and parts of the Aurora Borealis!
There is a lot of paint over the back window for the solar eclipse! It wasn’t in the best shape and I black it out with a curtain usually anyhow. My domain shylolove.com is on the left and the “K” on the right is the logo for KILONOVA.productions (my new music production alias). 😀

Solar eclipse on the back, with KILONOVA logo and my website on the left
The black hole started out much different than it ended up (kinda like a giant butthole) 😆 there is a shwack of paint on that door after I changed my mind! I ran out of paint, painting over the giant whateveritwas that day but it looked more like the black hole below..

A spinning black hole, obscure jelly fish flying through to it, a beam of light that glows through it and a planet with it’s moon reflected on the waters
Chromed the once white/rusty rims, they look shiny!
There’s only light paint on the front window, as I wanted a lot of light to still come through. It has the essence of a night storm, could be chemtrails… ? Or maybe just some oil slick lookin’ clouds over the mountain range? 😛

Mountain range reflected on the water, silhouette of trees and wispy cloudy skies

Galaxy mountains stars and aurora borealis with a blue whale in the galaxy reflection that glows
This was very healing for me to conceptualize and to bring to life. I did a lot of sitting, staring and visualizing how it might look. .. I’ve been struggling a little with my overall health recently and am reminded that my life and my time here is finite.. (I’m a master procrastinator) I decided to get things done when I am able and feel good and I really wanted to paint this Boler … so check that off the list! YAY! All of the subject matter I chose are so much bigger then me and my issues.. (except for the jellyfish and octopus..but they are out-of-this-world awesome regardless) 😉
It’s my hope that when people see it, they feel the same sense of peace and joy that I do from the images on it. 🙂
A Boler is such an awesome, super big canvas to paint on. It was especially good to challenge myself to do a large piece like this, not only under pressure but mostly unplanned… the self-doubt vs narcissism was palpable throughout! 😎
Photos were taken throughout the process and I would still like to make a slideshow from start to finish..
Look closely at the Inukshuk below… perspective is everything. 😉

Inukshuk with woman reflected on the water, small octopus
There are some definite afterthoughts and a few regrets, like why didn’t I put some flames somewhere and or lightening?! My son thinks I should put lighting into the trees, lighting them on violet fire.. I like that idea! I feel like the future holds some additions, touch-ups, a re-clear and a buff up… some day… while I’m in a body!