Hexagons – KILONOVA Live @ Vibes Music Festival 2021 – DJ Set
Wow.. what a time at Vibes Music Festival! An extremely spectacular event with resplendent humans!
This is my live recorded set from Saturday night, Aug 14 @ 8pm. I began my set by singing a poem called “Hexagons” by Jacob Bronowski… acapella, in a melody I made up… I was super nervous and did not exactly nail it! However, still feeling the love! Thanks to JoyOne for impeccable sound and playing the tuning forks.. 528hz & OM. Thanks to Vibes Music Festival for providing the loving space to connect and share.. I hope you enjoy the good vibes <3
“Hexagons – The force that makes the winter grow Its feathered hexagons of snow, and drives the bee to match at home their calculated honeycomb, Is abacus and rose combined. An icy sweetness fills my mind, a sense that under thing and wing lies, taut yet living, coiled, the spring”. – Jacob Bronowski
PS: For promotional use only – Track listing coming soon
My only regret is not dropping a single one of my own tracks… ! Even so, I was inspired to make a few immediately after Vibes… Here’s one I’ve shared: Kilonovaproductions – Its-dark-in-the-light