Fire Breathing Viper Animated
This original design “Fire Breathing Viper” was originally airbrushed onto a Dodge Viper hood by Shylo Love in 2012. You can view a chronology from start to finish here: https://shylolove.com/video-airbrushed-fire-breathing-viper-on-dodge-viper-hood-a-chronology/
This has been animated and made into a gif and mp4. The eyes still follow you no matter the angle!
Currently in the process of offering this item as an NFT.
Click on the image to load the preview gif… give it some time as it’s a large file. 🙂

Blue Warrior Goddess.. Fire follows her..
- The original was airbrushed onto a small hood for practice autobody painting in 2012
- 9 years later, 2021 I decided to manipulate the image I have of her since I don’t own the original
- After much playing around … Blue Warrior Goddess!
Warrior Goddess.. Fire follows her.. she is fighting the good fight.. with everything that she is… framing the control and apathy of the patriarchy… in a glowy and loving yet obsolete light… insomuch as that her stern, intense stare and the empathic light of her being makes even the most powerful and hardened man weep.. she shoots the golden arrow of truth into hearts and minds… it sometimes kills the old ways.. it sometimes creates the pain of shame and then change… all the while she illuminates wisdom… she shows you the signs… up to you to choose to take all the right and proper paths to your Truth… The Mother… the Goddess, the Teacher, the Wise one, the Healer, the Nurturer, the Leader, the Wayshower, the Disciplinary figure, the Boss… She will wipe away your tears but she will make sure you see yourself as you are so you may fulfill your destiny …. She will show you the way… You choose.. the hard way or the easy way?
[passster password=”333666999″]DOWNLOAD VIDEO[/passster]

Inanna – Queen of Heaven
Inanna – Queen of Heaven by ShyloLove on deviantART
“Inanna is the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the Goddess of Love. She is also Goddess of Grain, War, Fertility, Sexual Love, and perhaps best of all, Lady of Myriad Offices. As noted in Archetypes, Inanna was known in Mythology as healer, lifegiver, and composer of songs; the keeper of emotions — ranging from loving, jealous, grieving, joyful, timid, and exhibitionistic, to thieving, passionate, ambitious, and generous. Inanna was eternally youthful, dynamic, fierce, sensuous, the harlot-virgin, never settled nor domesticated, magnetic, yet independent. She was into fertility, order, war, love, heavens, healing, emotions, and song; always wandering, searching for her home, her power. Ultimately, she was the embodied, playful, passionately erotic, feminine; the powerful, independent, self-willed, feminine; the ambitious, regal, many-sided feminine.”